The Secret Of Creating A Proper English Masters Dissertation
A student of English literature is expected to have a commendable grip on English vocabulary and sentence creation. A dissertation in English is a proof of a student’s mettle on his/her subject. Any student of graduate, post-graduate or doctoral level has to create a fool-proof research paper in English. The student has to carry out a paper according to his/her discretion, and often according to the instructor’s wish. In order to write a proper thesis, the students must follow certain guidelines:
The basic format of a research paper is to start by posing a research question; what you want to find out which is called the hypothesis. Then present your background research relevant to the topic of your interest, provide them in a proper way. The methodology and purpose of the study is a must that can be mentioned. Then wrap up your research by concluding what you have found in your research.
- You must properly present the topic of your choice in your introduction. The teacher must know it beforehand what you want him/her to know. Summarise your subject in two or three sentences why you want to take up this particular topic. In other words, make others understand properly why you choose this topic.
- Then pose the research question, the hypothesis; what you want to prove or establish. The research question must be your guideline for writing a strong proposal. It will command you at every step that what you need to find out through your writing.
- The background research or literature review will help you in providing a cue for writing your paper. In English, you may want to find out the literary structure during the Elizabethan era or Victorian era, or you may want to analyze the writing pattern of a particular novelist or poet. Do a thorough research on any of this topic; search the journals, books or pdf documents. Discuss with your supervisor what he/she wants you to show in your paper. Jot the points down and then write it in your style that seems that you have the potential to write an authentic paper.
- Write properly the methodology you have adopted in doing your valuable investigation. Methodology means the way you will analyze the data for your topic. As a student of English literature, you may analyze and investigate any historical documents or scholarly articles available on your topics, any author’s published or unpublished works. You must depend on an authentic source of information.
- In the next section which is Report Writing, point out what you have found out through your research. You should be original, authentic. Being a student of English literature, you are expected to maintain a certain standard in your writing.
- In the conclusion, summarize in brief what you proved in your writing. Remember, not to introduce any new topic in this section.
- Finally, make a list of all the bibliographical references in the format instructed by your invigilator.
For additional help, you can go through any previously done research paper, or look closer to this site. See how those are being written, the sections. If required, hold a couple of discussion with your mentor for better improvement.