The Secret Of Creating A Proper English Masters Dissertation

A student of English literature is expected to have a commendable grip on English vocabulary and sentence creation. A dissertation in English is a proof of a student’s mettle on his/her subject. Any student of graduate, post-graduate or doctoral level has to create a fool-proof research paper in English. The student has to carry out a paper according to his/her discretion, and often according to the instructor’s wish. In order to write a proper thesis, the students must follow certain guidelines:


The basic format of a research paper is to start by posing a research question; what you want to find out which is called the hypothesis. Then present your background research relevant to the topic of your interest, provide them in a proper way. The methodology and purpose of the study is a must that can be mentioned. Then wrap up your research by concluding what you have found in your research.

For additional help, you can go through any previously done research paper, or look closer to this site. See how those are being written, the sections. If required, hold a couple of discussion with your mentor for better improvement.

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