A Simple Strategy To Compose A Dissertation Proposal On Human Resource Management
The Human Resource Department is one of the most important parts of a company’s structure. It is responsible for recruitment, training and several other key elements to the running of business. If you are studying this subject there are many options for your future career. To compose a dissertation proposal that gets accepted allowing you to neatly completes your course of study will require a well thought out strategy. Here’s one you can work with:
- Have a good understanding of the other elements of management
- Select your topic wisely
- Find the requirements set out by your faculty
- Research the members of the panel you will be facing
- Bonus: Test your hardware well in advance
Human Resource never operates in a vacuum. You should know at least the basics of the other types of management so that your work does not accidentally contradict something in one of those other fields. This knowledge should be acquired gradually in your studies but if you have forgotten any of it, this is a good time to refresh that memory.
Good topics re easier to write good papers from. Spend some time thinking about what you want to achieve with the dissertation and how best you can accomplish that. Invite others to brainstorm with you if it will help.
This is very important. Not every college or faculty will expect the same things when you write or present your proposal. Make sure you know exactly what they will want so no mistakes cost you an extra year in college or an extra few weeks of re-writing the proposal.
The people who your proposal will be presented to are only human. They will have their own preferences and dislikes which can make them more or less receptive to your work. Find out whatever you can about them (respectfully) and prepare your work to stand up to the type of scrutiny they seem likely to deliver.
This tip deals more with the presentation of the proposal than anything else but it is closely related. You will most likely present part of your proposal on a slide show. Test the hardware you will be using for that day to make sure it runs the same or compatible software as you do. Incompatibility can make you nervous at the wrong time which can make your work seem less professional than it is.